The White House Adviser, Kellyanne Conway, Announced Her Departure From The White House Due To Personal Issues:

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Kellyanne Conway, 53, born on January 20, 1967, in Atco, New Jersey, is an American canvasser, political adviser, and an expert. She is the counselor and adviser to the President, Donald Trump, in White House.

Conway successfully ran the U.S. presidential campaign for Trump, in 2016 and marked herself as the first woman to succeed at it. Before this, she was a campaign manager of the Republican Party and the president of the polling company.


Conway is the daughter of John Fitzpatrick, who was the owner of a small trucking company and was of English, German, and Irish descent. While her mother, Diane used to work in a bank for a long time and is of Italian descent.

Conway faced a lot of problems at a very young age, her parents got separated when she was three and her father left her, after that, her mother and grandmother along with her two aunts, raised her.

Schooling and Education:

She completed her high school from St. Joseph High School, in 1985, where she was an all-rounder. She had an interest in all kinds of activities as well as studies. Conway was always a bright student. Later on, she enrolled in Trinity College, Washington, D.C., from where she completed her degree in Bachelor of Arts. In 1992, Conway received her Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from the George Washington University Law School. 


Kellyanne Conway, who had been working as a senior adviser for President Trump since December 22, 2016, has finally announced to resign from her post of the adviser by the end of this month. Conway is known for her skills in political campaigning and has always been successful in it.

She is very influential and has done many TV appearances in order to convince people which is also a part of her campaigns. She has served the President for the longest time and has now finally decided to resign.


After deciding to leave her post as Senior adviser of the White House, Conway mentioned in a statement that, ‘I have been working for the President for a long time and it has been a pleasure and honor to do so. But now it’s high time for me to step back and focus on my family a little more. I want to spend more time with my family now and this is the reason why I’m leaving the white house by the end of this month. Nothing less or more!’


Kellyanne’s husband, George T. Conway III, who’s a very successful consecutive lawyer, isn’t really a big fan of Trump and some people are speculating that this might be the reason for Conway leaving the White House out of nowhere.

He is the founder of Project Lincoln, that is a group of Republicans who defeated Trump. Both, Conway and her husband are devoted to two opposite parties which have become very awkward for them, so right after Conway made her announcement, George always tweeted about him taking a break.

George’s Tweet:

After Conway’s announcement, George also tweeted about him taking a break from all this political drama and Twitter itself. Seems like it was a mutual decision of both just to fix their relationship and spend more time with their family. George posted a tweet saying, ‘I am quitting from Project Lincoln so I can spend more time with my family and I’m also going to press pause on Twitter for a while, which means I won’t be active on my twitter account for some time now’. 

He further added, ‘Quitting doesn’t mean that I will stop following what I am passionate about and believe in. I will remain a strong supporter of Project Lincoln and will always be passionate about it’.


The couple has a 15-year old named Claudia and seeing her tweet shows that they probably made this decision because of their daughter because it was affecting her in so many ways. In her tweet, Claudia posted a statement ‘Pushing for Emancipation’.

Their dear 15-year old was also seen making some other tweets in which she talked about how her parents’ jobs are affecting her and their personal relationship. In a tweet, she said, ‘I hate my mother’s job because it ruined everything for me. My parents basically don’t agree on anything and just keep on fighting and this is affecting her in so many ways’. 

In her recent tweet, Claudia said ‘She didn’t just want her mother to step back from politics, but her father as well, because she needs a break from all the mental trauma and abuse she has been through all these years’. She further added, ‘this whole situation is beyond her capacity so the whole family needs to take a break and need to work on their familial issues. For that, she is also taking a break from social media to fix her relationship with her parents by spending more time with them’. 


Conway talks about how lucky she feels to be a part of the White House and to have worked for the President for so long. In her recent statement, she said ‘It has been a great journey for me and I have never faced any kind of issue working in the White House in all these years. I’m leaving the White House with a lot of respect for all the members present there, especially the President, whom I’m thankful too for giving me this honor, the first lady, the Vice President, and Mrs, Pence’. 

She further added, ‘My husband and I might have different opinions on so many things and we have a lot of conflicts, but when it comes to our kids, we get together and believe in working as a team and this is why we have planned to quit and take a break from politics. Now it’s going to be fewer politics and more of parental duties’.

Conway’s Controversial Interview On NBC’s, Meet The Press: 

Conway is one of the last people to be present at the White House from 2016s staff, who helped Trump in winning the 2016 Presidential campaign but now she has decided to leave as well. She has a lot of successes in her plate but her time in the White House was not free of rumors and controversies about her. Especially in her interview with NBC’s, Meet The Press.

In her interview, she used the term ‘Alternative Facts’ which triggered so many people. Conway also violated law rules many times and was investigated by government office for it after which they proposed her expulsion, in 2019.

Is Kellyanne’s decision of leaving the White House for her family, right?




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