Election Results: Joe Biden wins the Presidential Elections 2020

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Following a tense week of the battle between former US President Donald Trump and Former Vice- President Joe Biden. The votes have finally come in the favor of the latter. An excruciating and a very much high- drama campaign that left almost every American mentally and emotionally exhausted, Mr. Joe Biden has been elected as the nation’s 46th president. As he offered the opposite from the former President: ‘normalcy, competence, and calm.’

The battle between the two figures appeared uncertain as the election officials all across America opened. And started getting processed, which were sent in by millions of mails and absentee ballots. That chunk of ballots in Pennsylvania is the one that put Biden on top; which delivered the 20 Electoral College votes need by Biden in order to secure victory. 

Biden announced in a social media statement: 

The US President Joe Biden took to his social media platforms to thank the American citizens for voting for him. ‘America the Beautiful- America, I’m honored that you have chosen me to lead your country.’ He wrote. “The work ahead of us will be hard, but I promise you this: I will be a President to all Americans- whether you voted for me or not.” Biden further wrote. “I will keep the faith that you have placed in me”, he concluded the statement. 

Joe Biden also posted an IGTV video showing his tribute to his beautiful country America and its citizens. 

In another statement, Biden said that he is humbled and honored by all the trust. The American citizens have put in him and in Vice- President-elect Kamala Harris. “In the face of unprecedented obstacles, a record number of Americans voted. Proving once again that democracy beats deep in the heart of America” Biden said. 

Joe Biden, 77, who served for eight years as the Vice president to Barak Obama has made U.S history by becoming the oldest president-elect. Also, the first to oust a sitting commander – in – chief since Bill Clinton defeated George H.2 Bush back in 1992. California Senator and Biden’s running mate; Kamala Harris, 56 also becomes the first black woman to serve as the Vice President in U.S history. 

Trump headed to his Golf club outside Washington as vote count dragged on: 

During the vote counts, the former President Mr. Donald Trump left the American White House for the first time since Election Day when he headed to his golf club in Virginia. Trump appeared twice to address the public from the White House in the last recent days. He left the presidential resistance and went to the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling. 

Donald Trump continued his Twitter rants on legal action: 

Mr. Trump did not settle for losing as a statement was issued by him in whom he accused Mr. President Joe Biden of ‘rushing to falsely pose as a winner’ with a little help from his ‘media allies’. 

“The simple fact is this election is far from over,” Trump said not pleased with the results. He further told that Biden has not been certified as the winner of any of the states. Let alone any of the highest contested states of America headed for mandatory recounts. Or states where their campaign legitimate and valid legal challenges. 

Trump continued to use his Twitter platform to suggest legal actions that will lead him towards winning the Presidential elections. He took to his Twitter profile to tell people that Joe Biden should not wrongfully claim the office of the President of America, by further saying that he can make this claim too.

“Legal proceedings are just now beginning.” Trump wrote. 

Joe Biden’s Pennsylvania Triumph: 

Joe Biden won the White House on this Friday after he took the lead in the potentially decisive state of Pennsylvania. However, Trump is adamant and showed no signs of being ready to accept his defeat when he claimed that this bitter contest is ‘far from over’.

The 20 Electoral Votes of the state of Pennsylvania were enough to vault Joe Biden past the magic number of 270 votes (which determined the presidency) required in order for him to succeed. 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated in a conference later that day saying, ‘It is clear that the Biden- Harris ticket will win the White House.’. 

The referendum on Donald Trump: 

Supporters of both the candidates, Trump and Biden, have called the US election 2020 a referendum on Trump and his riotous first term. He is the first President in the U.S history who has lost a re-election bid since George H.W Bush in 1992. 

Former President Donald Trump is seeking another term in the White House after his four years marked by the chaotic coronavirus pandemic, US racial tensions, the economy battered due to the pandemic, the Russian Election interference, and also the contentious immigration policies by his government. 

Now, the 46th President of the United States of America, Joe Biden has promised a renewed effort to combat poverty, fight with the public health crisis, and overall to fix the economy of America. This year, the American community has been shaken by months of protests against police brutality and racism under the slogan of ‘Black Lives Matter’.




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