Trump Elevates Scott Atlas, A Doctor With A Rosier Coronavirus Outlook

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Dr. Atlas gained Trumps’ attention at the White House!

Dr. Atlas has alerted the U.S about the severity and hysteria of coronavirus. This thing pushes the reopening of schools and sports league, and underestimate the need for definitive testing to eradicate the virus. 

Opposite to many bigger names and cautious health professionals, who have laid down their spark at the white house, Dr. Atlas has become a renowned advisor in the inner loop of President Donald Trump at the decisive moments of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Dr. Atlas’ approach about the pandemic and face-covering!

With no sign of the virus diminishing, the U.S has calculated approximately 5.4 million Covid-19 cases and 170,000 deaths. All these things are happening around just before less than 3 months to go in a reelection battle, President Donald Trump is betting that a physician having a telegenic personality with a positive vibe without any expertise in infectious disease or epidemiology can change his destiny. 

Dr. Atlas turned out to be optimistic and relentless on a message conveying that Americans should restart normal life as much as they can. Atlas is the live embodiment of the President’s COVID-is-not-that-big-of-a-deal-approach. Where the school management and football conference officials who are afraid of the virus spread this winter, he warns them about the strict precautionary measures. 

Dr. Atlas dismissed the use of masks for the students engaged in in-person learning!

Atlas, while reporting to Fox News Appearances, has declined the need for students of wearing face masks and keeping the social distancing in a case if schools reopen. 

On 15 July, Atlas said during his T.V appearance, “It is definitely proven that children have significantly no risk”.  This line has also been quoted by President Trump many times. But this thing hasn’t been borne out in the district areas where the physical learning has been restarted; Many of these schools such as Schools in Georgia, North Carolina, and Indiana have had to pause this resume in a short time because of the emerging positive cases. 

Atlas laid down the Health Experts of U.S Task for Covid-19! 

Atlas also argued with the other health experts of the coronavirus task team in the White House and opposed the perception of coronavirus testing. Going on the same, he opposed the proposal of Dr. Deborah Birx (the response coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force) to expand home testing against coronavirus e.g saliva tests. 

And in a recent meeting of the White House task force, he told Dr. Anthony Fauci (top U.S infectious disease expert) that science definitely doesn’t stand with government mandates on wearing masks. (However, CDC has recommended the Americans to keep distance and wear face masks while interacting with each other). 

Atlas’ perspective made him high before Trump!

Atlas’ elevation at the White House occurs when the health professionals of the task force are trying to give the idea of attempting every precautionary measure so that they can control the virus and design a vaccine as early as possible or roughly in 80 days from the election. It is because the rate of infection uplifts and the U.S’ testing capacity falls short. 

Trump has maimed many of his top health professionals including Fauci & Birx. He had also welcomed the different perspectives of Atlas provides, according to the statement of one senior administration official.




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