The Bollywood actress and model, Rhea Chakraborty has reportedly been missing over the past few days. She along with her family left their building in the dead of night. Rhea went missing after she was charged with an FIR lodged by Sushant Singh Rajput’s father, KK Singh with abetment to suicide along with six others.
The late actor, Sushant, 34, was reportedly found hanging at his apartment on June 14th and according to his postpartum reports, it was stated that the actor had committed suicide. It had the whole nation mourning but now, Sushant’s family has lodged an FIR after a month against his girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty alleging theft and cheating.
Sushant Singh’s father, KK Singh’s case:
The late actor’s suicide case took a very dramatic turn on Tuesday when his father filed an FIR in the Rajiv Nagar Police station in Patna including his girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty and six others.
While the police are investigating the case, in-charge Yogendra Ravidas said, “Rhea Chakraborty and five other persons have been charged under sections 340,341,380,406,420 and 306 of PIC after Sushant Singh’s Rajput filed an FIR against them. Further investigation is going on in the case.”
In the complaint, KK Singh, Sushant’s father stated that “While my son was doing extremely well in Bollywood till May 2019, a girl named Rhea Chakraborty and her family members and others got in touch with him so she could use his contacts to make a career in the film industry.”
“She along with her family members, named Indrajit Chakraborty, Sandhya Chakraborty, and Shauvik Chakraborty, started interfering in my son’s life. They even forced him to move out of the house he was living in, saying that some paranormal activities were going on there which has a big-time impact on my son’s mind. They forced him to live in a resort near Mumbai airport.” He further added.
His father accused her of stealing:
In the complaint, Sushant’s father also mentioned that Rhea Chakraborty and his family were stealing from Sushant. He told in the FIR that INR150 million were transferred to other few accounts from Sushant Singh’s bank account which had no link with the late actor in any way calling it “suspicious transactions”.
He even accused her and her family members of stealing jewelry, cash and credit cards with PIN numbers, etc. and that Rhea threatened his son of making his medical reports public.
Rhea Chakraborty broke her silence:
The allegations have been surfacing the media all this week about Rhea Chakraborty by Sushant Singh Rajput’s family of cheating and mentally harassing their son. The actress finally broke her silence on Friday in a tearful video message “Truth shall prevail” by her lawyers.
Rhea in the video had her hands folded and her face was tear-stained as she said,
“I have immense faith in God and the judiciary. I believe that I will get justice. Even though a lot of horrible things are being said about me on the electronic media, I refrain from commenting on the advice of my lawyer as a matter of sub-judice. Satyameva jayate, the truth shall prevail.”
This video came out on the same day when a video of her comments to her friends got viral online and in which Rhea Chakraborty was portrayed as manipulative.
Appeal to transfer the FIR:
Rhea Chakraborty earlier posted an appeal on her social media profile urging Home Minister Amit Shah to order a CBI investigation as she wrote,
“I have complete faith in the government, however in the interest of justice, I request you with folded hands to initiate a CBI inquiry into this matter. I only want to understand what pressures prompted Sushant to take this step.”
Rhea and her family missing!
Rhea Chakraborty has reportedly been missing as she left her building in the middle of the night along with her family. A supervisor and the watchman of the building was reportedly quoted saying, “They left together in a blue car and had big suitcases with them.”
He also added that Rhea has not visited Sushant’s residence in a while. But Rajput Family Lawyer, Mr. Vikas Singh had a different story to tell.
“Firstly Rhea Chakraborty has gone into hiding. Of course, I know where she is hiding but I can’t tell you right now. Patna Police cannot reach there because the senior officer, who came to investigate the case from Patna, has already been quarantined in Mumbai. The earlier team that was already there, they are also trying to quarantine them.”