Trump releases Historic Peace Agreement between Israel, the United Arab emirates.

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Trump, the president of the United state of America, recently chose the platform of Twitter to announce the Peace agreement between Israel and UAE, officially by saying that they are ready to the consent, normalization of relations. 

Trump tweeted on Thursday.

Yesterday Morning, Trump Tweeted that such a vast Breakdown occurs today! The historic Peace agreement between two amazing friends, Israel and the United Arab Emirates, occurred. 

All three presidents made a joint statement. 

The three companions, including the president of Israel, prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the crown prince Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed announced a joint statement on Thursday Morning. They three-spoke together and discussed everything, and the results came out to the Peace agreement while doing the normalization of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. 

The occurrence of Diplomatic breakthrough 

The diplomatic breakthrough was all made on the request of the American president, trump. He said, this diplomatic breakthrough was sone for the betterment of the people of Palestine, who are continuously suffering. And that Israel will stop declaring sovereignty over areas outlined in the president’s vision for peace and will try to expand its relations with other countries in the Arab and all other Muslim countries. 

Countries all set to make peace.

Israel and United Arab emirates further confirmed that they would try their best to continue their efforts to make their friendship more powerful and also will try to resolve all the conflicts and disagreements present between Israel and Palestine. 

They further said that all these three countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Israel, and Palestine, are facing everyday hardships nowadays. Still, this diplomatic breakthrough will help all these countries to get mutual friendship from today’s historic achievement.

They are very sure that this historic diplomatic breakthrough will prove very beneficial to all three countries and will unlock the way that provides the path to advance peace in the Middle East region. They thought that this historic peace agreement is the combined vision of three leaders that will surely help prove very beneficial to all these countries.

Delegates to come in coming weeks

The delegations from Israel and the United Arab Emirates are expected to be seen together in coming weeks to sign the bilateral agreement between these countries to build up the relations between the people from both countries and other agreements including the investment, tourism, direct flights, security telecommunications, technology, energy, healthcare, culture, environment, the embellishment of reciprocal embassies and other areas of mutual benefits.

Opening all the ties between these countries will help to allow people to come more closer to each other and will also help to increase the economy and also the overall development of all these countries of the middle east, said the overall statement. 

Trump had a call with other presidents.

On Thursday, Trump told the reporter that he had a call with the presidents of the two countries, including Israel and the United Arab emirates. They talked about the betterment of all these countries equally by following the Peace agreement along with the exchange of embassies and ambassadors, have signed before. He said that all other countries should follow this agreement so that we could provide the benefit to the people of Israel.

Agreement called Abraham Accord.

Trump said that this agreement would be called the Abraham Accord, named for the father of all three great faith.

US ambassador said to the Israel David Friedman that no one could compete or better describe the power of three great faith from the Oval Office Thursday. 

Trump went to joke while deciding the name of the Agreement.

Trump started to kidding in the room while giving another option to name this agreement as to the Donald j. Trump accord, on which all the people in the room started to laugh. 

Then to cover that point, Trump said that I did not do that. Trump said that he, alongside with other presidents are discussing these points with other nations as well, so you will find other names as well. 

Trump appreciated his son in law and senior advisor.

After this, Donald Trump was seen appreciated efforts and hard work of his senior advisor and son in law Jared Kushner for making this agreement to this point.

Kushner said

Kushner further said that President Donald Trump told us to take untraditional approaches, as we can not solve all those unresolved problems that were tried to solve by other people but they failed. He said that this is the agreement between 3 countries so try to focus on uniting people to one common point so that there would no conflict which again remains unresolved. 

Tweet of Israel ambassador 

While on the other hand, the ambassador of Israel tweeted when the agreement officially announced by the trump, he said to the United States Ron Dermer, this the great day of Peace for all the people of Isreal.

Israel applauds the great courage of MBZ for approving the decision of UAE to join Egypt and Jorden in making peace with Israel. Israel seems very happy for the step taken by the president Trump for the benefit of Israel. Trump tried his best to make this breakthrough possible. More to come!

Appreciation by Secretory of State Mike, US

Secretory of the State Mike Pompeo also tweeted to give applause on the decision of making peace agreement signed by the president of three countries. 

United stated also appreciated the Peacemakers.

The united states also seem very happy and congratulating the countries, including Israel and the Emirates for this amazing achievement, that is the significant step forward toward making peace in the Middle East.  May God bless the peacemakers. 




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