Mali President Ibrahim Boubacar Quit His Job After Rebellion Act Of Armed Forces

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A famous political personality named Ibrahim Boubacar resigned recently from his post of president. As he posted about his leaving up of his job of the presidency at the whole country of Mali. Mali President resigned on the Midnight Tuesday when he noted his whole military who was constantly trying to revolt against all his orders. He said he does not want to see his armed forces to shed their blood and lost their lives and put his whole government into crisis and under any kind of pressure. 

Mali president gave the statement 

The Mali President reported the whole statement in front of the whole nation on the national television that this is the day when the parts of military forces have confirmed that the involvement was important. After all, does he has a choice? As he does not want to shed the blood of his armed forces. 

He further said that he is completely ready to quit his job from now to further. It is not confirmed that the military is now under the charge of the country. Prior to doing this, Mali president named Ibrahim Boubacar and prime minister named Boubou Cisse, both were staying in a specific place by the armed forces in the dramatic surge of such a long period of crisis in the whole country. 

When the armed forces decided to revolt and took their guns against the government, then the development came after such a long time at a key base in Kati, a small place near to Bamako. After all this, it was expected by the soldiers to give the statement, with former colonial power France, the European Union, and the African Union, canceled all the actions of armed forces and gave them strict orders to soldiers, not to make changes in any kind of constitutional power. 

Several events of crisis occurred

Several events occurred from a long time during this political crisis like collapsing the country economy and aggravating security situation in all over the country,  that forced the Mali president, Ibrahim Boubacar to quit his job of president. 

During the long duration of this crises situation the whole country of Mali, there occurred the unresolved problems that motivate the soldiers to start a riot against the government, providing more pressure and tension in the whole country, upsetting the neighboring countries of Niger and Burkina, created instability in the wider Sehal region which created the huge crises for the whole country. 

Latest update from Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Soldiers behind all this revolt were seen as a lifeline of the people of Mali, on national television on Wednesday, August 19, 2020. Mali Air Force deputy chief of staff said on the National television, that they are not holding the power but they are holding the firmness of the whole country. He further said that they will work so hard to take back all the stability of the country and its people and a curfew was starting from 9 pm to 5 am at night. 

Mali president quitted his post of President 

Mali’s president, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita resigned from his job as a president of his country while remaining in the pressure of those revolting  armed forces, the soldiers pursued him to resign at the gunpoint, when the whole country was in the major crisis and unstable situation, 

The Mali president, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita was looking very tired, wearing a surgical mask on his face of all this while resigning from his job at gunpoint of those rebellious soldiers with all other top official personalities including the Prime Minister of Mali. 

ECOWAS has censured the revolt soldiers

ECOWAS stands for the Economic Community of West African States has censured all the actions of rebellious armed forces who were trying to disturb the peace of the country Mali. And has changed all the decision-making bodies of the country. This is all reported by Al Jazeera’s Ahmed Idris from Abuja in Nigeria.

UN chief criticized all the arrest in Mali

United nation Secretory General Antonio Guterres criticized all the arrest of President Keita happening in the country, Mali, calling to release him from arrest immediately, spokesman Stephane Dujarric reported.  There occurred the immediate restabilization of all the government orders and rule of Law in mali, according to the statement. UN Security Council will call an emergency meeting to resolve all those crises occurring in the country. 

Russia reported having the information already. 

Russia reported that it has information on all those crises that occurred in Mali and the arresting of the president including all other main authorities. According to some reports, it is confirmed that Moscow is present behind all these crises that occurred in Mali. 

French President also discussed the rebellion act of soldiers with Keita 

The very popular French president Emmanuel Macron also discussed in detail the rebellion act of the soldier of his country, Mali on Tuesday with his Malian counterpart and other west African leaders. They all together discussed and expressed their support to the efforts of ECOWAS. 

The protest occurred in Bamako

In Bamako, hundred of people gathers around the independence monument to protest against all these situations occurred in Mali. People damaged the office of the justice minister, setting many things on fire.




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