Late John Lewis “Conscience of Congress” was paid tribute by the fellow Lawmakers at U.S Capitol Rotunda

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Late John Lewis; honored at U.S Capitol Rotunda

Washington D.C The body of the “Conscience of Congress” John Lewis reached the U.S Capitol Rotunda on Monday. 

John LewisCivil right icon:

He fought for Civil rights and racial equality throughout his whole life. John Lewis, “the ambassador of civil rights” died on 17th July 2020 at the age of 80. The main reason for his death was pancreatic cancer. He was such a valiant lad, who kept on fighting for the racial injustice at the last stage of his cancer.

A final tribute to John Lewis in Capitol Rotunda!

His dead body was paid tribute in the U.S Capitol Rotunda for his never-ending efforts and unbiased justice. He became the first black Politician to be honored in the state in the Rotunda for his last funeral greetings. 

The former fellows of Georgia Congress member including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Presidential aspirants Joe Biden said very true words in the honor of their colleague, “John Lewis’s Legacy”. 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, nominated John Lewis, “the conscience of Congress” who was “admired and beloved on both sides of the aisle, on both sides of the capitol”.

Vice President Pence showed respect to Lewis!

Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen showed their deep respect to the civil rights icon “John Lewis” at the Capitol Monday evening. Lewis casket was moved to the East Front Portico of the Capitol, after that having the afternoon ceremony arranged at the U.S Capitol Rotunda. The ceremony was arranged to allow the members of the Public to honor Lewis from the Plaza below the steps. 

Pence worked as a colleague of Lewis and served with him in congress. Pence was one of those lawmakers who struggled and participated with Lewis in reenactments of Bloody Sunday by crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge together. 

Pence tweeted later on; 

“John was a great man whose personal courage and decades of serving the public changed American forever. God bless the memory of John Lewis. May his example inspire forever” 

Lewis’s coffin arrival at Capitol:

John Lewis visited the Capitol last time on Monday. Earlier in the morning on Monday, a motorcade lifting Lewis’s casket arrived and stopped at the Martin Luther King Jr. and Lincoln memorials and the newly built Black Lives Matter Plaza, before going towards the Capitol. 

Nancy Pelosi honored the civil rights icon!

Lewis lastly appeared at Black Lives Matter Plaza in June near the White House, where he had “approved the torch” described by House Speaker Nancy Pelvosi. 

Nancy Pelosi wrote on twitter; 

“We’ve bid a farewell to some of the greatest Americans in our history under the dome of the U.S Capitol. Today, Rep. John Lewis, the conscience of congress joined that pantheon of Patriots. John always worked on the side of the divine angels. Now, we know that he is with them.”

Trumps’ absence from the Tributary ceremony of John Lewis:

A thing worthy of mentioning is the absence of Donald Trump from yesterday’s ceremony. When a reporter asked Trump about that has he planned to on paying his respect to the civil rights icon, Lewis?

President Trump gave an answer to the reporter; “No, I won’t be going. No.”  

Donald Trump didn’t confess the death of John Lewis until 12 hours after it was announced. Trump tweeted later on;

 “Saddened to hear the news of civil rights hero John Lewis death. Melania and I send our prayers to him (John) and his family”




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