Death Valley, California Hits 54.4 C, Setting A New Record For Hottest Temperature On The Planet

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In the course of the historic ongoing heatwave; the temperature in Death Valley, California, surged to scorching 130 degrees on a Sunday Afternoon.

It might be the world record for the highest temperature ever being recorded in August. The recording is officially verified by the US national weather service.

If the readings are valid, it is possible that it could make up to the top three highest temperatures ever recorded on earth or maybe the highest. It comes due to the searing heatwave in the US’s west coast. The temperatures are predicted to rise more in the coming week. 

According to the National weather service, the temperature reached 130 degrees in Death Valley at 3:41 pm, on Sunday. The Weather Service tweeted that this recording would surpass the previous August records by 3 degrees.

Randy Cerveny, who is working in the World Meteorological Organization’s weather and climate extreme teams; stated in an email;

“Everything which I have seen so far shows that it is a reliable and valid reading. I am recommending that the World Meteorological Organization initially accepts this observation. We will be examining this observation in the upcoming weeks with the U.S. National Climate extremes Committee, and will use our best international evaluation teams.”


This temperature was recorded in Furnace Creek in Death Valley on Sunday. Death Valley, California, holds the record for the highest temperature ever recorded on the planet, about 134 degrees. This temperature was recorded on July 10, 1913. But the credibility of this observation was questionable. Christopher Burt, an extreme weather specialist, concluded in 2016 that such scorching temperature is not actually possible according to meteorological perspective.”

Previously, the highest temperature ever recorded on the planet which was regarded as valid was also on Death Valley in 2013, 129.2F (54C).

Some weather experts also consider 129-degree recordings in Death Valley, 2013, and in Kuwait and Pakistan, as the highest temperature being recorded on Earth. If we consider the above reading as reliable, then this Sunday’s Death Valley temperature would make the highest temperature ever.

That being stated, if Sunday’s 130-degree temperature reading is confirmed scientifically, it would be the most scorching temperature since 1913, and roughly third-highest since 1873.  

The only measurements which are not much reliable are 1913 Death Valley’s temperature of 134 degrees and a 131 degree reading from Kebiki, Tunisia on July 7, 1931, and some other readings which were recorded in the colonial era. But the Tunisia reading is not credible either according to Burt’s conclusion.


Death Valley is considered the driest, lowest and, the most tropical location in the United States. The temperature is recorded in Furnace Creek that is the place which is situated at 190 feet below the sea level at Mojave Desert, Southeastern California. It is infamous for its ferocious heatwave. In the previous month, the average temperature of 108.1 degrees at this place was regarded as the hottest one on Earth. In July, it rises to 120 degrees in 21 days.

Normally, such extreme records are set in July, which is the Northern Hemisphere’s hottest time. The intense temperature happened due to the scorching heatwave that has been surrounding the Western United States since the last week. It has been forecasted that it will continue in the upcoming week too.

On Friday, Oakland, Calf, the temperature was recorded as 100 degrees for the first time ever in August. In Phoenix, the temperature hits 117 degrees; it’s highest for the month.

The scorching heat gave way to fires that had broken up in recent days. The inferno in Northeastern California, between Redding and Reno, Nevada caused a surge of fire tornados. It looks like it will be the first-ever official warning of fire-tornados by the National Weather service.

Funnel appearing in thick plume of smoke from the Loyalton Fire is seen in Lassen County, California, U.S. August 15, 2020, in this image obtained from social media. Courtesy of Katelynn Hewlett/Social Media via REUTERS. ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT KATELYNN HEWLETT. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES.

The firenado was seen in the area on Sunday

California’s Independent System Operator (CISO), which is responsible for managing the power of the area, declared a stage 3 Emergency means when demand for electricity surpasses the power supply.

The region’s power is dependent on Solar and wind energy, and people use air conditioners in this blazing heat. The grid station becomes overloaded and is at risk of developing a malfunction.  

The State’s three largest power utilities, Pacific Gas and Electric, Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas & Electric turned off the supply to more than 410000 homes and businesses for an hour until the emergency warning ended three and a half hours later.

The authorities are considering the scheduled load shedding to conserve energy and prevent the complete shutdown and grid station’s malfunction.

According to the scientists, the heatwave is taking a surge now because of human-induced climate change. A 2019 study revealed that Earth had entered a new climate era with exceptional heat waves, indicating Global warming is going at its worst.

The wildfire activity in West and Southwest is also impacted by the evolving climate. The fourth National Climate Assessment that was published in 2018 concluded that rapid climate change has already burned the areas more by wildfires because forests are dying out and there is more availability of wildlife fuel.

The report also warned that the areas burned by wildfire in the last ten years were twice as likely as if there would have been no disastrous climate change. This presents us with a picture of what the future would be like in this area.

The heat warnings and heat advisories cover about 50 million Americans and an area of 1700 miles from Southern California’s desert to beaches in Panama City, Florida. Temperatures may soar out over 120 in California and Arizona Desert and almost 110 in Texas. 


According to the officials, extreme heat is a time period of two to three days of intense heat and humidity, with the temperature soaring above 90F (32 C).

CDC, the organization for Disease Control and Prevention in America, said that heat waves killed more people than any other blazing weather event. 

The heatwave is putting a strain on Power grids and causing power blackouts. It can also damage planes and melt roads, the inside of cars can also overheat to a devastating level, and it can be the cause of many road accidents.

The extreme heatwave can also impact the fields, either by causing the vegetables to die out or by causing the increase in pathogens to damage the plant.

It also overburdened the health sector and other emergency services and put a huge strain on water and energy, causing power shortage and even it’s cut. People’s lives are affected in every way due to blistering temperature. 


A Heatwave can cause dehydration, heat exhaustion, and stroke. The elderly populations, people suffering from chronic diseases, and residing in hot areas are more prone to the effects of overheating. You can cope with the hot weather and can prevent many adverse effects if you keep the following points in your mind;

  • Always have an eye on people who look dehydrated or elder people who might be suffering from any chronic disease and people who live alone.
  • Keep your home cool so that you can avoid harsh climate effects.
  • Drop the curtains on windows that face the sun to prevent sunlight from coming indoor and it gets colder than outside.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and avoid alcohol.
  • Never leave anyone in a packed and closed vehicle whether it is an infant, children, or your pets.
  • Try to avoid going outside from 11 am to 3 pm.
  • Prevent exercise in the hottest times of the day.
  • If you have to go outside, walk in the shade, wear a hat, and apply sunscreen every time.
  • Always take a water bottle with you, in case you are traveling or even if going out for shopping.
  • Look out for the signs of heatstroke in the vulnerable population and get help accordingly.




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