Alexie Navalny: Doctors say Putin critic can’t be moved to Germany

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Supporters of Mr. Navanly believed that “he was poisoned”

Russian Doctors inform that Alexie Navalny, a great opposition leader, is too ill to be moved to Germany for his treatment. Moreover, his fans believed that he had come to this stage because someone poisoned him. 

Mr. Navalny has been in a coma since Thursday. He went into a coma when he fell ill on the flight. The supporters of Alexie have been declared the doctor’s decision a “direct threat to his life”. 

They witnessed one report of “a deadly substance” dangerous not only to Mr. Navalny but to all in the surroundings.

But the Doctors say differently about his poisoning!

The news about his poisoning is still just rumors. This thing is also really obvious as his supporters and fans are only suspecting the circumstances and his condition. It cannot be proven until the doctors confirm it. 

The doctors who are looking after him in Siberia said no poison had been found in his body systems as per the results of the test reports. The doctors are of the view that the seriousness of his condition is not due to poison. There may be any other cause laying behind. 

In a preliminary diagnosis on Friday, they disclosed that “His condition might be the outcome of a ‘metabolic disorder’ caused by low blood sugar or hypoglycemia. 

Mr. Navalny, a prominent Political Figure!

Mr. Navalny is a prominent political figure in Russia. He is considered, and obviously is a prominent critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin. He made a huge name by exposing the corrupts, and the circulating corruption officially by himself. In charge of his valiant protest and struggles against corruption, he has served multiple jail terms. 

About his sudden illness, his team is suspecting that a poisonous substance was put in his tea at an airport café in the city of Tomsk as he prepared to fly to Moscow. 

Activists working in Germany have sent a plane for shifting Mr. Navalny to Berlin for treatment of his disease. 

Doctors revealed that the patient’s condition is not compatible to be on board!

The HOD of Doctors at the hospital treating Mr. Navalny in Omsk in Siberia disclosed that; 

“The patient was too unconscious and unstable to be shifted and that legal questions would need to be resolved sagaciously before any move. 

The supporters and the Political team of Mr. Navalny said that it was ‘deadly’ for him to stay at the hospital. 

All the attempts charged on his transfer are for the sake of his recovery and nothing else. This thing has also been confirmed by Mr. Navalny’s spokeswoman Kira Yarmysh. She uttered on Twitter “The ban on the transportation of Navalny is an attempt on his life”. 

What’s going on for his safe transfer?

The Berlin-based Cinema for Peace Foundation arranged an air ambulance for the transfer or Mr. Navalny to Berlin, where it is decided to treat him in the Charite Hospital. It was also confirmed concerning this that the aircraft had medical equipment and a team expert in treating coma patients on board. 

Doctors refused to hand over Navalny!

The air ambulance reached the Omsk on Friday but the Doctors refused to hand over Mr. Navalny to them. His wife further said that she believed the doctors were struggling to cover up his husband’s poisoning. 

She said about the air ambulance arrival, “We obviously believe that it is done to make sure that a chemical substance which is in Alexie’s body will dissolve. We certainly cannot trust this hospital.”




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